What can I expect from my acupuncture sessions?

So you’ve answered a million questions and you feel open and vulnerable. You have divulged your entire life story to this practitioner who you are seeing for the first time. Now what?

By Mona Assaf, Ac., B.Sc.
Acupuncture. Massage. Naturotherapy.

Certified member OAQ, AAQ, RITMA

Here is a list of the 10 most popular Q & A in my clinic. I hope it helps to answer what you’re wondering about acupuncture…

Why are you asking so many questions?

It’s true that you will be asked to break down many of your answers, and sometimes you will be asked the same questions as the practitioner searches for nuances or new information. The more useful bits of yourself you can share; the clearer picture they will have and your treatment will be more effective. Let it roll, there’s no room for judgement in the process.

Does it hurt?

Yes, it may hurt a little. They are needles after all. Often the puncture does not cause much pain. Rather a discomfort is felt when the Qi (energy) is being moved (directed).

What are the most common adverse reactions?

It’s not uncommon to feel tired or emotional for 1 to 4 days after the treatment as the body responds to its potential to change. Needling acupuncture points can rarely cause bruising, it’s not unusual. It can occasionally cause numbness or neuropathy (tingling), this too shall pass. You may feel a point “buzzing” the entire evening or the next day. Seldom a tiny drop of blood is shed.

How long will it take to get better?

If you’ve had this problem for over a year, please be patient with yourself and your practitioner! Healing time is never the same for anyone because many factors are involved: the duration of the issue, it’s intensity, the individuals health status, their age, the amount of stress, their sleep patterns, etc. It can take 6-12 sessions to treat something with good results, but it could take two. That said, it may take two sessions just to even out the energy field, and another 6 before the body rids itself of discomfort.

What can I expect after the treatment?

As the Qi moves and the body seeks harmony, you may have strong emotional or physical reactions, you may be very tired after the treatment, you may have a bad nights sleep or two, your symptoms may worsen temporarily. This is commonly the worst annoyance, that symptoms may peak before amelioration. Hang in there, it’s often a storm before the calm and you are on the road to recovery even when it won’t seem that way.

Traitements d'acupuncture - bien-être

I eat well, isn’t that enough?

Sometimes no. Sometimes the imbalance has gone too far to be healed by diet alone. It is common for the practitioner to suggest herbs or supplements. These are very important because they add nourishment to your body, assist the healing and must be taken for best results.

Why don’t you put the needles where it hurts?

There are many ways to treat pain and the different parts of the body. It is not always effective to place needles on the area of tension or injury. Ideally, a patient must not have any expectations about what points to use or where. The study of acupuncture is complex and profound. It is normal that it may not make sense at times.

Is it normal to experience alternating results?

Do not stand in the way of your own healing. Yield, let go, accept, and invite all similar states to envelop your process. Your body may be waiting for your mind to catch up and let something go. It may be an opportunity to learn important life lessons, ask yourself: “what is my body wanting me to release on a mental/emotional level?” when you hear the answer, surrender to your soul 100%.

How can I feel more in control of my healing?

If your goal is to heal, you must do everything in your power to facilitate the process. Often in life when we want something, we must be willing to let go of another. Give yourself time, and avoid becoming frustrated. Give yourself space to heal by changing unwanted habits. If you’re afraid of needles, choose another modality or work on your fear.

Is it the same for everyone?

These are only possibilities, none or all of the above could happen to one individual.


Ultimately, I believe you know best, but right now you need help. You lost control of your health and you need someone qualified to take a look. You have to trust someone to take the reigns and guide you. No matter which modality you choose to help heal your body and soul, you must commit. If you can’t commit, you will get more of the same. If your desire to change is greater than your comfort zone, and you are tired of the status quo, then you will do what it takes and you will get results. Happy Healing!